For my next #BestNewTableauSkill I focus on how to extend the whiskers of a box and whisker plot to incorporate the full range of data.
When creating a box and whisker plot in Tableau the default setting is for the whiskers to incorporate data points within 1.5 x the Inter Quartile Range. Whilst this is of course a valid way of representing a box and whisker plot there is an alternative, and some may some, more traditional way of displaying the whiskers; incorporating the full range of data points.
Example default box and whisker plot : Whiskers incorporating 1.5 x the Inter Quartile Range

Example amended box and whisker plot : Whiskers incorporating the full range of data

Changing the Tableau default setting for a box and whisker plot is easy! Right click on the box and whisker plot and select the 'Edit' option; when the pop up box appears change the 'Plot Option' of 'Whiskers extend to' to be 'Maximum extent of the data'.
Your box and whisker plot will now appear as per the second example above; i.e. incorporating the full range of data points.