As Tableau has evolved the number of options for applying filters across worksheets and data sources has increased. It is common place for people to apply a filter to Worksheets:
- All using related data sources
- All using this data source
- Selected Worksheets
- Only this Worksheet
What may not be widely known is that you can mix and match the 'apply a filter' options to create more custom filter settings.

For example in a recent Workbook within my workplace we successfully used this approach to apply 2 different filters to Worksheets 'All using related data sources' and then changed the apply option to 'Selected Worksheets'. This enabled filter 1 to work across all related data sources but only for Worksheets A, C and D and filter 2 to also work across all related data sources but only for Worksheets B and E. By doing this we changed the setting for that filter to 'Selected sheets with a related data source'; an option which is not one of the standard four available within the 'Apply to' menu.